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  • Profile picture of Tulia Benaca
    Active 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Policy
    Industry: Government
    Country: Fiji
    Company: Fijian Competition and Consumer Commission
    Position: Asst Market Analyst - Energy
  • Profile picture of Felistus Muteti
    Active 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Finance
    Industry: Private company
    Country: Kenya
    Company: Equity Bank (K) Ltd
    Position: Relationship officer
  • Profile picture of Amelie KERE
    Active 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Renewable Energy
    Industry: Academia/Research
    Country: Burkina Faso
    Company: NA
    Position: Energy advisor
  • Profile picture of Charity Kageni Mbaka
    Active 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Policy
    Industry: Government
    Country: Kenya
    Company: Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA)
    Position: Policy Analyst
  • Profile picture of Tania Massinga
    Active 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Renewable Energy
    Industry: Private company
    Country: Mozambique
    Company: Umbeluzi Consultoria & Servicos Lda
    Position: Executive Boad Member
  • Profile picture of Zeudy Galban
    Active 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Development
    Industry: Academia/Research
    Country: Venezuela
    Company: Universidad del Zulia
    Position: Professor
  • Profile picture of Rima Jreich
    Active 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Renewable Energy
    Industry: NGO
    Country: Italy
    Company: RES4Africa Foundation
    Position: Senior Policy and Research Officer
  • Profile picture of Milijana Keseric
    Active 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Renewable Energy
    Industry: Student
    Country: Austria
    Company: World Energy Council Austria
    Position: Young Energy Professionals Coordinator
  • Profile picture of Abigail Rugendo
    Active 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Climate change
    Industry: Private company
    Country: Kenya
    Company: ECAS Institute
    Position: Researcher and Project Coordinator
  • Profile picture of Natasha Douho
    Active 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Energy access
    Industry: Private company
    Country: Ivory Coast
    Company: La Reine Écolo
    Position: Fondatrice gérante
  • Profile picture of Beatriz Brizola Estevam
    Active 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Renewable Energy
    Industry: Private company
    Country: Germany
    Company: TSUNESS
    Position: International Communication Officer for Renewable Energy
  • Profile picture of Marisol Huerta Rocha
    Active 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Renewable Energy
    Industry: Student
    Country: Mexico
    Company: Universidad de Guadalajara
    Position: Student

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