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Members directory

  • Profile picture of Bethel Tarekegne
    Active 2 years, 5 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Energy access
    Industry: Academia/Research
    Country: United States
    Company: PNNL
    Position: Research Engineer
  • Profile picture of Tosin Somorin
    Active 2 years, 5 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Energy access
    Industry: Academia/Research
    Country: United Kingdom
    Company: University of Strathclyde
    Position: Lecturer
  • Profile picture of Poullette Faraon
    Active 2 years, 5 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Policy
    Industry: Student
    Country: France
    Company: Sciences Po
    Position: Master graduate in International Energy
  • Profile picture of Annisa Sekaringtias
    Active 2 years, 5 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Energy access
    Industry: NGO
    Country: United Kingdom
    Company: E3G
    Position: Senior Researcher
  • Profile picture of FLAVIA ANYIKO
    Active 2 years, 5 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Development
    Industry: Government
    Country: Uganda
    Company: UEGCL
    Position: Head Risk Management
  • Profile picture of Hazan Ceylan
    Active 2 years, 5 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Policy
    Industry: Private company
    Country: Germany
    Company: EGI
    Position: Intern
  • Profile picture of Madhura Joshi
    Active 2 years, 5 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Energy access
    Industry: NGO
    Country: India
    Company: Natural Resources Defense Council
    Position: Lead: Energy Access and Climate Policy Consultant
  • Profile picture of Rabeb BOUGATF
    Active 2 years, 5 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Development
    Industry: Private company
    Country: Tunisia
    Company: Avo carbon
    Position: Technical purchasing engineer
  • Profile picture of Rebecca Lane
    Active 2 years, 5 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Energy Efficiency
    Industry: Government
    Country: United Kingdom
    Company: West Midlands Combined Authority
    Position: Net Zero Neighbourhood Delivery Manager
  • Profile picture of Tlholohello Motsamai
    Active 2 years, 5 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Renewable Energy
    Industry: Private company
    Country: South Africa
    Company: Olivia Energy Projects
    Position: Business Development Executive director
  • Profile picture of Irene Garcia
    Active 2 years, 5 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Energy access
    Industry: Private company
    Country: United Kingdom
    Company: Energy Systems Catapult
    Position: Data Scientist
  • Profile picture of Arianna Griffa
    Active 2 years, 5 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Policy
    Industry: Private company
    Country: United Kingdom
    Company: ICF Consulting
    Position: Senior Energy & Climate Consultant

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