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  • Profile picture of Kankana Dubey
    Active 4 years, 2 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Energy Efficiency
    Industry: Academia/Research
    Country: United Kingdom
    Company: University of Strathclyde
    Position: Research Fellow
  • Profile picture of Neslihan Türkmenoğlu Bayraktar
    Active 4 years, 2 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Energy Efficiency
    Industry: Academia/Research
    Country: Turkey
    Company: Kocaeli University
    Position: Academic position in Department of Architecture -
  • Profile picture of Kimenthrie Pillay
    Active 4 years, 2 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Energy access
    Industry: NGO
    Country: South Africa
    Company: Thrie Energy Collective
    Position: Consultant
  • Profile picture of Nicolina Angelou
    Active 4 years, 2 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Energy access
    Industry: NGO
    Country: United Kingdom
    Company: WB
    Position: Energy and Gender Consultant
  • Profile picture of Jodie Roussell
    Active 4 years, 2 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Renewable Energy
    Industry: Private company
    Country: Switzerland
    Company: Planair SA
    Position: Group Head Smart Grid & International Development
  • Profile picture of Caroline Brongar
    Active 4 years, 2 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Renewable Energy
    Industry: Private company
    Country: Brazil
    Position: Electrical Designer
  • Profile picture of Shrikanti Nilange
    Active 4 years, 2 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Renewable Energy
    Industry: Private company
    Country: India
    Company: Sunergize Solutions
    Position: Director
  • Profile picture of Ana Sousa
    Active 4 years, 2 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Energy access
    Industry: Academia/Research
    Country: Portugal
    Company: Instituto Superior Técnico
    Position: PhD Researcher
  • Profile picture of Jennifer Lee
    Active 4 years, 2 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Renewable Energy
    Industry: International organisation
    Country: United States
    Company: Worley
    Position: Strategy and Development Manager
  • Profile picture of Marta Duarte
    Active 4 years, 2 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Renewable Energy
    Industry: Private company
    Country: Portugal
    Company: Vestas wind Systems
    Position: Project Manager
  • Profile picture of Sophie Török
    Active 4 years, 2 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Renewable Energy
    Industry: Private company
    Country: Austria
    Company: Eliteam Group
    Position: Junior Project Manager
  • Profile picture of Nimisha Jain
    Active 4 years, 2 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Energy Efficiency
    Industry: Private company
    Country: Singapore
    Company: Ashnik
    Position: Product Head

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