GWNET Members

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Members directory

  • Profile picture of Elena
    Active 3 years, 6 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Energy Efficiency
    Industry: Private company
    Country: France
    Company: Dalkia
    Position: Project Engineer
  • Profile picture of Anna Gerokorokostopoulou
    Active 3 years, 6 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Storage
    Industry: Private company
    Country: Sweden
    Company: Azelio
    Position: Market Analyst
  • Profile picture of Hana Manuela
    Active 3 years, 6 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Development
    Industry: NGO
    Country: Indonesia
    Company: GIZ
    Position: Advisor
  • Profile picture of Ira Martina Drupady
    Active 3 years, 6 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Policy
    Industry: Academia/Research
    Country: Singapore
    Company: Energy Studies Institute
    Position: Research Associate
  • Profile picture of Adeola Eleri
    Active 3 years, 6 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Energy access
    Industry: Government
    Country: Nigeria
    Company: Energy Commission of Nigeria
    Position: Chief Scientific Officer
  • Profile picture of Fernanda Skewes
    Active 3 years, 6 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Policy
    Industry: Private company
    Country: Chile
    Company: FerradaNehme Law Firm
    Position: Associate
  • Profile picture of Nomfundo Maseti
    Active 3 years, 6 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Policy
    Industry: Government
    Country: South Africa
    Company: National Energy Regulator of SA NERSA
    Position: Energy Regulator Member
  • Profile picture of Nonjabulo Sokhela
    Active 3 years, 6 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Development
    Industry: Private company
    Country: South Africa
    Company: Nepoworx
    Position: Chief Executive officer
  • Profile picture of Anja Langer Jacquin
    Active 3 years, 6 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Energy Efficiency
    Industry: Private company
    Country: Switzerland
    Company: depsys SA
    Position: Chief Commercial Officer
  • Profile picture of Isabelle Bauman
    Active 3 years, 6 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Renewable Energy
    Industry: Student
    Country: Denmark
    Company: DTU / Ørsted
    Position: Masters Student / Student Assistant
  • Profile picture of Adriana Luiz
    Active 3 years, 6 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Renewable Energy
    Industry: Private company
    Country: Brazil
    Company: NA
    Position: NA
  • Profile picture of Riana de Jager
    Active 3 years, 6 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Renewable Energy
    Industry: Private company
    Country: South Africa
    Company: Enel
    Position: HSE lead

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