This Report provides a summary of wPOWER Hub work done between 2013 and 2014.
Download the resource here: wPOWER Hub Report 2013 – 2014
This Report provides a summary of wPOWER Hub work done between 2013 and 2014.
Download the resource here: wPOWER Hub Report 2013 – 2014
(This resource is in the French language) ◗ Les inégalités d’accès à l’énergie selon le genre se jouent à...
The ‘Best Practices for Gender Diversity at Industry Events’ guide provides insights on what meaningful inclusivity can look like...
Employment opportunities are a key consideration in planning for a low-carbon economy. Many governments have prioritised renewable energy...
Since its founding, GWNET has been committed to advancing women’s careers in the global energy sector. Our 2023...
Supporting last-mile women energy entrepreneurs: What works and what does not, shows ENERGIA’s four-year journey (2014-2018) to create, support, strengthen...
This working paper developed under the guidance of the GGKP Gender Expert Group “provides an overview of existing knowledge...
Women in the Workplace is the largest comprehensive study of the state of women in corporate America. In 2015,...
The new report released by ENERGIA, in collaboration with nine research teams, gathers the empirical evidence related to the...
GWNET curates and disseminates a quarterly global energy newsletter. Find out more and sign up for it here!
GWNET – Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition
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