This article was originally posted on the GWEC website.

In July 2019, the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and GWNET submitted a statement to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on behalf of the Women in Wind Global Leadership Program. The submission will feed into the UNFCCC’s Adaptation Committee’s work on implementation of climate change adaptation actions, informing Convention Parties on how gender should be a cross-cutting consideration of their respective activities.

GWEC was invited to submit a statement as a non-Party stakeholder to the UNFCCC.

Parties and stakeholders were invited to answer four key questions on how to mainstream gender considerations into national adaptation frameworks:

  1. What are good examples of lessons learned and best practices in prioritizing/incorporating gender in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans in your country or constituency?
  2. How can gender best be incorporated into adaptation action?
  3. In your experience, what are remaining gaps related to incorporating gender considerations into adaptation planning and implementation?
  4. What are useful sources relevant to this topic?


Women in Wind Perspective

Our view is that the needs and contributions of women must be integrated into the planning, implementation and execution cycles of climate change policies and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs). By mainstreaming gender considerations into these areas, this will deliver greater progress towards SDG 5 (gender equality and the empowerment of women), SDG 7 (access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all) and SDG 13 (urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts).

“Studies have shown that there are clear gender differentials regarding vulnerability to climate change and access to clean energy. The UNDP has found that 80 per cent of those displaced by climate change are women, and that women lack adequate access to adaptation technologies or funds which can make up for climate change-related losses. They are also disadvantaged in terms of land access, social capital and technology, compared to men.”

Women in Wind was established as a response to the call for more consideration of gender and climate policy, which has been growing in volume in recent years. Greater gender diversity brings valuable perspectives to social and economic development and – in the landscape of global issues requiring strong leadership and a skilled workforce – few areas are as critical as climate change and the transition to a sustainable, clean energy system.

The full statement by the Women in Wind Global Leadership Program can be downloaded here: GWEC-GWNET – UNFCCC Submission on Gender Mainstreaming – Final.


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