24 March 2023, Brussels | The Global Wind Energy Council (‘GWEC’) and the Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (‘GWNET’) are delighted to launch this year’s Women in Wind Global Leadership Program. This year’s program will be the biggest yet with at least 23 participants, from 13 countries.

Having started in 2019 with an initial group of eight mentees, this year the program will welcome almost four times as many spots to women who are working in vital emerging wind energy markets around the world.

Now in its fifth year, the initiative – hosted by the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and the Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET) – helps accelerate the careers of women in the wind industry, facilitating empowerment and career development by providing training, mentorship, knowledge-sharing and fostering a global network of professionals in the industry.


Read more on the GWEC Website


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