Women in Wind 2024: Insights into This Year’s Applicants

With the second highest year for applications, the Women in Wind Global Leadership Program has attracted a diverse and talented group of professionals from around the world for the class of 2024. These individuals come from varied backgrounds, possess unique expertise, and share a common dedication to advancing the wind energy sector. Here are some key insights from this year’s cohort:

Geographic Diversity

The 193 applicants represent various countries, underscoring the program’s global appeal. For instance, participants applied from the Philippines, Turkey, Argentina, and more. This diversity enhances the learning experience and promotes a global network of professionals committed to wind energy. The program received applications from a total of 33 nations, with BrazilIndia, and Kenya leading in application numbers.

Educational Background

The educational qualifications of the participants are impressive. The cohort includes individuals with advanced degrees such as PhDs and Masters. For example, one participant from Ethiopia holds a PhD, while another from Brazil has a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Brazil (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro).

Read more on the GWEC Website


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