Title of workshop overlayed of woman speaker holding a mike, and date and logo details included
Photo, name, and bio of three women speakers, as well as name of GWNET as heading

Date: March 3rd 2022 (14:00 – 18:30 Manila time)

Location: Online

Description: The CAREC Energy, Women in Energy Summit, had the following objectives to:

  • Offer solutions to advance women’s education, leadership and employability in the energy sector
  • Discover new opportunities, increase awareness and meet energy sector stakeholders from 11+ countries
  • Join an international women-in-energy network during the summit
  • Drop by the Women in Energy Café for a coaching session with energy experts and other professionals

During the event, GWNET Executive Director, Christine Lins, spoke as part of a session that convened members of 3 international Women-in-Energy networks to share their personal perspectives on the benefits, collaboration and mentoring support to be gained from professional membership in a women’s network.

During the event, Christine shared that “the interactions that are taking place motivate us to take GWNET even further because a lot needs to be done to empower women in energy & networks & cooperation of networks are essential for that.”


Speakers at the event included:

  • Christine Lins, Executive Director, GWNET
  • Tatiana Mitrova, Member of GWNET, Skolkovo Energy Center
  • Yanan LV, Founder Waternovation, Kazakhstan
Photo, name, and bio of three women speakers, as well as name of event title

Christine also took part in the Women in Energy Café, leading a coaching session with other energy experts and professionals.

Speakers at the cafe included:

  • Christine Lins, Executive Director, GWNET
  • Shanny Campbell, Country Director Tajikistan, ADB
  • Nana Gurgenidze, Energy Specialist, ADB
  • Sona Poghosyan, Social Development Specialist, ADB
  • Andrijana Nelkova-Chuchuk, Commissioner, Energy Regulators Regional Association (ARRA)


Read the full agenda here


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