The University of St. Gallen is offering a unique executive education programme dedicated to Renewable Energy Management (REM-HSG). The next, 9th edition of REM-HSG starts in late March 2020. With its three one-week modules taking place over a time span of 6 months, including a study trip to Berlin, the part-time programme is tailormade for professionals, and provides its participants with competence for tomorrow’s energy markets, today. 

The REM-HSG program consists of three one-week modules that conclude with a Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) and is characterized by the close integration of science and practice typical for the university of St. Gallen. In practical case studies, participants develop innovative business models and risk management strategies in the changing energy market. In addition to questions of business models and financing, the important topic of managing regulatory risks and entrepreneurship is also dealt with in depth in a separate module. A compact introduction to the most important technology trends and market drivers is just as much a part of the program as the international component with modules in St. Gallen and Berlin. 

In addition to the gain in knowledge in terms of content, the course provides its graduates with exclusive access to a alumni network of more than 100 thought leaders and designers of the energy future. As success in the changing energy markets is closely linked with successful diversity management, REM-HSG is providing an exclusive limited-time offer to apply for one of two “women shaping the energy future” fellowships, allowing participation in the 2019 edition of the programme at a 50% discount.

Applicants have to fulfill the requirements indicated on, and submit the online application form with the promotion code “Women Shaping the Energy Future” no later than January 31, 2020. This is a limited-time offer. Fellowship applications will be processed in incoming order.

Executive Education in Renewable Energy Management

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