Date: March 7th, 2023
Location: Vienna, Austria
Description: The event “The Role of Women in Global Crises” organised by the Diplomatische Akademie Wien – Vienna School of International Studies, its Alumni Association – ClubDA, and the Rotary Club Vienna Maria Theresia (RCVMT) was held on March 7th, on the occasion of International Women’s Day. The panel discussion was developed to highlight the role that women play in addressing major global crises, specifically climate, food and energy.
GWNET Senior Advisor, Irene Giner-Reichl, took part in this discussion, highlighting the nexus of gender and energy as well as the barriers and opportunities for the participation of women. Other speakers during this event included:
- Brigitta Blaha (Vice-President, ClubDA) – moderator
- Martina Schubert (Deputy Director, Vienna School of International Studies)
- Vera Strobachova Budway (Rotary Club Vienna Maria Theresia)
- Anna Tutner (Students Advocating Gender Equality)
- Angela Reithuber (Programme Manager, Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens)
- Rana Ghoneim (Chief, Energy Systems and Infrastructure Division, UNIDO)
- Stefanie Lemke (Head, Institute for Development Research, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna)
- Maria Blomenhofer (Youth Representative, Austrian Commission for UNESCO; Fridays For Future)