This working paper reviews existing data and evidence on the case for gender-responsive and socially inclusive approaches to sustainable energy. It identifies data and evidence that can inform approaches to delivering Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG 7) and the work of the SEforALL People-Centred Accelerator, as well as gaps in the evidence base. The analysis is based on a review of existing literature that is complemented by a global stock-take of available indicators to measure gender-responsive and socially inclusive energy approaches. The analysis shows that there is a general lack of gender-disaggregated data to fully inform the work of the People-Centred Accelerator or the delivery of SDG 7 objectives. It further finds that indicators with data collection processes in place are not tailored to the energy sector specifically and provide limited support to substantiate the business case for action. This working paper proposes possible indicators and benchmarks that could support the People-Centred Accelerator’s work and makes recommendations on further data collection.


Download the resource here: The Evidence Base for Gender and Inclusion in Sustainable Energy


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