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  • Profile picture of Imen Karoui
    Active 1 year, 10 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Development
    Industry: Government
    Country: Tunisia
    Company: La poste Tunisienne
    Position: Assistant Director
  • Profile picture of Chandirekera Sarah Mutubuki-Makuyana
    Active 1 year, 10 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Renewable Energy
    Industry: NGO
    Country: Zimbabwe
    Company: Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN)
    Position: Country Coordinator - Zimbabwe
  • Profile picture of xiaoju fang
    Active 1 year, 10 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Renewable Energy
    Industry: Private company
    Country: China
    Company: Envision energy
    Position: director of branding
  • Profile picture of Bhawna Tyagi
    Active 1 year, 10 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Renewable Energy
    Industry: NGO
    Country: India
    Company: Council on Energy, Environment and Water
    Position: Programme Associate
  • Profile picture of Molly O'Hagan
    Active 1 year, 10 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Renewable Energy
    Industry: Government
    Country: United States
    Company: California Energy Commission
    Position: Supervisor, Strategic Analysis, Energy Research and Development Division
  • Profile picture of Karla G Cedano Villavicencio
    Active 1 year, 10 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Energy access
    Industry: Academia/Research
    Country: Mexico
    Company: UNAM - Instituto de Energías Renovables
    Position: Head of Technology Management and Liaison
  • Profile picture of HAYET Baccouche
    Active 1 year, 10 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Climate change
    Industry: NGO
    Country: Tunisia
    Company: WWF North Africa
    Position: Climate Change Project Officer
  • Profile picture of Rana Hijazi
    Active 1 year, 10 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Climate change
    Industry: Private company
    Country: Jordan
    Company: A&H Group
    Position: Researcher
  • Profile picture of Daria Lüdtke
    Active 1 year, 10 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Renewable Energy
    Industry: Private company
    Country: Switzerland
    Company: Wegaw
    Position: CTO
  • Profile picture of Agatha Ankunda
    Active 1 year, 10 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Renewable Energy
    Industry: Student
    Country: Uganda
    Company: d.light solar
    Position: Product development executive
  • Profile picture of Aroua MASROUHI
    Active 1 year, 10 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Renewable Energy
    Industry: Student
    Country: Tunisia
    Company: ESIM
    Position: Student
  • Profile picture of Edith Haslinger
    Active 1 year, 10 months ago
    Level: Individual
    Expertise: Renewable Energy
    Industry: Academia/Research
    Country: Austria
    Company: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Center for Energy
    Position: Senior Scientist

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