GWNET brings you the 8th instalment of the “Meet the Women in the Energy Transition” series which celebrates the work and achievements of the women who are part of GWNET’s 2/2019 Mentoring Programme. This mentoring programme contains 22 mentee-mentor tandems, with mentees from over 15 countries. Meet GWNET mentee, Milena Simoes Murta. Milena is actively engaged in promoting and discussing sustainability matters and has worked with several groups to guide company technical teams to express, in monetary terms, the externalities, impacts and gains of social and environmental projects in order to measure the value of sustainability and support strategic decision making. 

1) Tell us a little about yourself. What do you love most about what you do?

I am the Social Responsibility Coordinator at Brookfield Renewable in Brazil. In this role, I lead a team that oversees the companies’ social investments initiatives and the community relationship management around the power plants. I have a master’s degree in Communication from the University of Texas in El Paso and I recently finished an MBA in Social and Environmental Business Management at the Ecological Research Institute, in Sao Paulo.

Committed, passionate and observant; I believe those three words describe me well when it comes to my work. I love being in contact with people, learning with them and being a means to contribute to their own development.

2) What were your goals when you started working in sustainable energy? Have these evolved?

When I started working with the corporate social responsibility team at Brookfield Renewable, my goal was to improve the social impact of the company and strengthen collaboration in the energy sector to create a better and more conscious society. I believe this objective has evolved as I see people more engaged and understanding the role of renewables in a more sustainable planet.

3) What are the opportunities for sustainable energy growth in your country?

There is a giant potential for renewable energy in Brazil. The domestic supply of electricity, which is a subset of the energy matrix, reaches 83% and is produced by various renewable sources.

4) What challenges have you faced in the sector? Can you tell us how you overcame (or are overcoming) these challenges?

The challenges we, as women, face, go beyond sectors and I believe it is quietly but constantly improving. Having our voices heard in a male-dominated sector can be challenging but inspiring when we see other women stepping up. I focus on the leaders I admire and I believe that showing my knowledge and the things I am capable of doing ends any doubts one may have.

5) Why did you join the GWNET Mentorship Programme? What do you hope to achieve?

I applied to the mentorship programme because I wanted to grow personally and to develop my career in the energy sector. Through learning from my mentor and sharing experiences with other mentees I believe I can gather knowledge to face bigger challenges, addressing fundamental changes in the company I work for and in the society where I live.

6) What advice would you give to women hoping to join the sustainable energy sector?

Stay committed to your principles, never forget who you are and where you came from and be continuously up to date. It is a very dynamic sector!

If you are interested in knowing more about GWNET’s mentoring programmes, this comprehensive article outlines our work in this area.


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