Screenshot of webinar participants, with organiser logos on top left and bottom right corners

Women in Wind held its first Knowledge-Transfer Webinar of the 2022 cohort of the Program on Tuesday, 26th July, 2022 on the topic of offshore wind. We were delighted to welcome Myriam Samba, Senior Business Development Manager, Blue Float Energy (pictured below) to share her insights and personal journey in the Energy industry with our program Participants in a closed-door webinar.

The webcast began with a global overview of offshore wind data, including a look at the 21.1 GW of new offshore wind installations in 2021, which was 3x more installations than 2020, making 2021 the best year for the offshore wind industry. This overview also included a market status review which revealed China led the world in annual offshore wind installations for the fourth year in a row with nearly 17 GW of new capacity 2021. Europe accounted for the majority of the remainaing new installed capacity with 3.3 GW of offshore wind capacity added in 2021.

Read some insights from the webinar.


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