Screenshot of kick off webinar with organiser logos on the bottom right and top left

On Tuesday 18th April, the Women in Wind Global Leadership Program class of 2023 met for the first time, and the excitement is palpable. Organized by the Global Wind Energy Council and Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition, the program is aimed at providing a multidimensional training and mentoring program for women working in the wind energy sector.

Here’s a quick summary of the program:

  • The program aims to prepare the next generation of women leaders in wind by providing concrete career goals, road-mapping, and network-building opportunities.
  • Programming includes knowledge-transfer webinars, inspiring change framework, and networking sessions to facilitate innovation and boost personal confidence.
  • Participants will have the opportunity to learn from leading female domain experts, acquire industry-specific knowledge, and build communication skills.


Read more on the GWEC Website


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