GWNET offers an energy-sector specific, global mentoring programme for women in junior/middle management positions. Since the success of a mentoring relationship depends to a high degree on the compatibility of mentor and mentee, GWNET will select with great attention the most perfect possible match for any mentee, drawing from a significant pool of willing and suitable mentors. The first global GWNET mentoring programme started in April 2018 and will run for 12 months. The programme runs as an on-line programme, however, a physical meeting during a suitable occasion, such as events, network meetings or similar would be an ideal add-on to the mentor-mentee relationship.

GWNET’s mentoring-programme has a web-based kick-off meeting which allows the mentors and mentee to get started as a tandem. Several knowledge webinars will take place throughout the programme, which will also provide an occasion for the group of mentors and mentees to come together. The programme will be concluded by an interactive web-based graduation meeting. If groups are too big for suitable interaction in one inter-active web-based setting, several web-based meetings will be offered. Typically mentors and mentees need to calculate approx. 2 hours per month for mentoring-programme related activities.

Mentors will serve on a honorary basis and agree to respect the Global Code of Ethics for Mentors established by the European Mentoring & Coaching Council.  Each mentor-mentee tandem establish agreement on the frequency of interactions and the ways and channels of their communication to be used; the tandem also defines goals and priorities for their mentoring process, using benchmarks, feedback and other suitable tools to document progress towards the selected and agreed-upon goals. Recommended forms for the initial agreement as well as for progress tracking are supplied by GWNET.

Mentees will have access to additional GWNET webinars for personal and professional growth (e.g. webinars on the development of the energy sector or on other relevant cognitive contents; units of personal development; psychological or job-related referral services). Upon completion of a full period of mentoring and based on the recommendation of the individual mentor, GWNET will issue a Certificate of Completion.

How to apply as mentee?

Candidates for mentees can apply by sending an email expressing their interest, goals and attaching an updated CV to email: The next deadline for applications is 30 June 2018.  The next GWNET mentoring programme is likely to start in September 2018 and will run for one year.

Eligible candidates will be notified by 15th July 2018 and invited to transfer the programme fee of EURO 500 to GWNET’s account IBAN: AT40 3200 0000 1253 2636; BIC: RLNWATWW by the end of July 2018 at the latest. Upon receipt of the programme fee candidates will receive the confirmation of acceptance into the programme.

Sponsoring a mentee

For companies, industry associations or donors who would like to sponsor specific participants for this mentorship programme, please contact us at

  1. kwashie 7 years ago


    happy to be here


  2. Ekaterina 6 years ago

    Can you please advise when the next round application will open?
    Many thanks in advance!

    • GWNET Secretariat 6 years ago

      Hi Ekaterina, kindly subscribe to our newsletter as we will provide updates on new programmes. We are launching new programmes very soon.

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