Date: November 23rd 2021 (10:45 CET)
Location: Online
Description: The III Annual Conference “Energy has no Gender” hosted by the Women’s Energy Club of Ukraine aimed to contribute to the global goal of having a gender-sensitive energy transition.
The session provided opportunities to create meaningful connections globally in the energy domain, which also aligns with one of GWNET’s pillars – networking. GWNET took part in the panel “Gender equality as a backbone of building Climate Resilience” which looked at among other things the role of gender justice in climate mitigation.
After the conference, GWNET Executive Director, Christine Lins, expressed: “the event organised by the Women’s Energy Club of Ukraine provided a great platform for discussion about how women in energy in Ukraine and globally can be best supported to advance in their careers.”
Panel speakers included:
Moderator: Olena Pavlenko, President of Dixi Group NGO.
- Christine Lins, Executive Director of the Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition
- Lesya Vasylenko, Member of Ukrainian Parliament
- Ima Khrenova-Shymkina, GIZ Project Director “Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Implementation of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive in Ukraine”
- Oksana Aliieva, Climate Change, and Energy Policy Program Coordinator, Heinrich Boell Foundation, Kyiv Office-Ukraine
- Yulia Burmistenko, Advisor on International Relations of DTEK CEO
- Olha Babiy, Member of the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Utilities (NCREU)
- Olena Balbekova, advisor on economy, energy, and climate issues, British Embassy Kyiv