Application poster with organiser logos at the top. Image of women is overlayed by the mentorship programme name

To continue advancing women’s role as agents of change, the Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET) in cooperation with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and supporting partners adelphi and Guidehouse, on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), is launching a mentoring programme in select countries as part of Germany’s Energy partnerships and energy dialogues.

The 2023 mentoring programme builds on the success of the 2021 Energising women to advance the energy transition Programme and seeks to enhance the careers of mid-career women working in the energy sector. In particular, the programme aims to:

  • empower women in the energy sector in order to increase women’s representation at managerial and decision-making levels, and ultimately advance the pace of the energy transition,
  • foster social change, facilitate novel ideas and encourage networking, and
  • support participants to develop concrete career goals which they can strategically work towards.

The application criteria for participants are as follows:

  • Must be a national from one of the following countries:
    • LAC: Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and Uruguay
    • MENA: Algeria, Jordan, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and the United Arab Emirates
    • ASIA: China, India, the Republic of Korea, Vietnam, and Japan
    • SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA: Ethiopia, Namibia, and South Africa
  • Must be a woman working in either the public or the private sector in the renewable energy or energy efficiency field
  • Must work in a middle management position (5 – 10 years of relevant work experience)

Furthermore, the mentoring programmes are designed around the following key programme parameters:

  • Hand-picked selection of mentor based on the stipulated goals and aspirations
  • 12-month programme duration with regular bilateral mentor-mentee exchanges (approx. 1 – 1,5 hours per month)
  • Social media campaign highlighting mentees and mentors
  • Kick-off webinar and graduation ceremony
  • Study tour for selected mentees to Germany in June 2023
  • Networking and peer-to-peer exchange

If you fulfil the application criteria and are interested to apply as a mentee, please fill in the application form.

The programme is also seeking senior professionals working in the energy sector to serve as mentors and support participants’ professional and personal development. If you are interested in volunteering as a mentor kindly fill in the Mentor Datasheet. The mentorship involves approx. 1 – 1.5 hours of engagement per month. The mentee-mentor pairing process will be based on how closely the goals of the mentee match the skills and experience of the mentor.

Kindly note that the programme will be carried out in English and professional working proficiency is required.

The deadline for applications is Friday 31st March 2023.

Please email questions to

  1. Rocio Mansilla 2 years ago

    Dear A very interesting and nice opportunity to share experiencies and increase women’s representation; however I suggest to open the participation to other countries, in my case I am from Peru.
    I hope you can take in consideration my comment, thank you in advance.
    Rocio Mansilla

    • Author
      GWNET Secretariat 2 years ago

      Dear Rocio,

      This programme is focused on women from specific Germany Energy Partnership and Energy dialogue countries, however, we regularly launch programmes that include women from other nationalities. We encourage you to sign up to our newsletter to receive updates on these programmes.

      GWNET Team

  2. Heather 2 years ago

    I second the comment regarding opening it up to other countries. Thank you, Heather.

  3. Sheila 2 years ago

    I agree with Rocio and Heather due to open the participation to other countries. In my case, I’m from Spain.
    Thanks & Best

  4. Adriana 2 years ago

    I read the description of the programme, and am very interested in participating, as a member of the Energy State Company from my country. However, I would like to know the approximate work-load of the course, besides the monthly meeting with the mentor, and if it is a course with weekly meetings or what is the final output of the programme. I appreciate any information you could give me as of this matters.

  5. Warda Dhib 2 years ago

    Is there any similar program or an early bird program for women with 2-3 years of experience in the energy industry?

  6. Phenny Bopape 2 years ago


  7. Godiya Samuel B. B 2 years ago

    I don’t like Missing programs like this, please open up to other counties am from West Africa
    Nigeria. I feel Bad I will not be there for the program.

  8. Afef 2 years ago

    I want to participate

  9. Mulu 2 years ago

    Happy to hear

  10. Raja Soltani 2 years ago

    I want to participate and learn about this energy program and the extent of women’s participation in this program

  11. Palwasha 2 years ago

    Thanks to share such a good opportunity, please include Afghanistan as well.

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