Poster with event text and photos of the speakers

Date: November 11th 2021 (09:00 CET)

Location: Online

Description: Die Energiewende ist weiblich (the Energy Transition is Female) organised by DigitalEnergy4All, was another effort to increase women’s participation in one of the crucial paths we are undertaking: the energy transition.

With the expansion of renewable energy and the transformation of energy supply into a sustainable energy system, new challenges and roles will arise. In addition to technical issues, these serious changes are also associated with social challenges. The transition from a central structure to a decentralised democratic and regional market opens up new opportunities for innovative power.

The three primary goals highlighted during the event are as follows:

  1. Making women in the energy transition visible
  2. Professional exchange on the subject of the energy transition from other perspectives
  3. Networking for women in the energy transition

GWNET Executive Director, Christine Lins, re-emphasised GWNET’s efforts in including more women in a male-dominated energy sphere, by promoting gender-sensitive action to achieve this goal. Christine also reiterated that GWNET’s efforts align with the collective ones, where GWNET strives to achieve a fair yet inclusive energy transition.

Read the event agenda.


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