Do you know an outstanding individual or organization who has helped to advance the role of women in the energy sector? Recognize their contribution by nominating them for a C3E Award!

The Clean Energy Education and Empowerment (C3E)/Women in Clean Energy initiative is accepting nominations for the first-ever international C3E Awards! The nomination period has been extended until March 25th, 2019 so submit your nomination today!

 There are two categories for nominations:

  • The C3E Woman of Distinction Award is open to professional women working to advance clean energy. Nominees stand out through excellence in areas such as leadership, policy and advocacy, technical advancement and R&D, project development, community engagement and increased adoption of clean energy technologies, volunteering and/or being a role model contributing to the advancement of women in the energy sector.
  • The C3E Organizational Leadership Award is open to public, private, and non-profit organizations who have contributed significantly to advancing clean energy, while most importantly, demonstrating catalytic and wide-reaching leadership around gender equality.  Top candidates will demonstrate having taken concrete actions and achieved results in recruiting, developing, and retaining women within the energy sector in line with equal pay, equal leadership, and equal opportunities (for more information, visit Equal by 30).

Women remain significantly underrepresented in the energy sector. Closing the gender gap will be vital in accelerating the pace of progress as women are key drivers of innovative and inclusive solutions. Recognizing leadership and achievement promotes career advancement and inspires women of all ages to contribute to the clean energy field.

The inaugural awards will be presented at the Clean Energy Ministerial and Mission Innovation Ministerial in Vancouver, BC on Wednesday, May 29th, 2019.

Nominations close on March 25th, so please visit the WiRE website to begin your nomination today!


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