Date: March 18th 2022 (09:15 – 10:00 EST)
Location: Online
Description: As part of the Commission on the Status of Women-66 (CSW-66) Forum, UNIDO and UN Women, GWNET and ENERGIA co-hosted two events:
- The Gender and Energy Compact: Catalyzing action for a just, inclusive and gender-responsive energy transition
- Peer-to-Peer Networking Meeting at CSW66
The events aimed to bring together government officials, international organization representatives, private sector entities and civil society members, and discuss how the sustainable energy transition must be gender-responsive to effectively address the climate crisis.
The panel, moderated by GWNET Senior Advisor, Irene Giner-Reichl, provided a platform for signatories and supporters of the “Gender and Energy Compact”, launched at the 2021 High-Level Dialogue on Energy (currently 8 governments and 47 (inter)national development, private sector and civil society entities), to present their strategies, commitments and lessons learned for gender-responsive sustainable energy and climate action.
This panel was followed by an interactive peer-to-peer networking meeting between signatories and stakeholders to inspire the development of individual action(s). There was also space for signatories to exchange experiences, ask questions to the compact coalition partners and to experts from UN-Energy as well as to share their thoughts on the way forward of the gender and energy compact.
Watch the event recording and read the full recap.