WiW Achievement Ceremony

2020 was a year of disruption, loss, adaptation and change. It was a year in which human resilience and innovation shone stronger than ever, and in which the wind sector took strides forward in technology and demonstrated the robustness of its global supply chain. Meanwhile, the COVID-19 pandemic exposed the existing vulnerabilities of the fight for gender equality.



The Global Wind Energy Council and the Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition launched the Women in Wind Program in 2019, with the aim to advance the careers of young women in the wind industry by offering access to mentorship, knowledge-sharing, networking and skill development.

At the beginning of 2020, we launched the second cycle of the program, with high hopes of building upon the success of the first cohort. With 15 mentees from over 13 countries and 5 continents, this truly global program aimed to advance diversity and inclusion in a sector with a staggering gender gap.

What we didn’t expect was that, despite increased family responsibilities, shifting working dynamics, unexpected illness and personal loss brought about by the pandemic, the Participants of the 2020 program would lean in to last year’s challenges and not only persevere but grow during this difficult period.


Read the full article on the Global Wind Energy Council website.


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