Women in the SICA Energy Transition - Extended Deadline

To advance the role of women in the energy transition, the Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) are launching a mentoring programme across countries in the Central American Integration System (SICA) region.

The newly launched mentoring programme aims to advance the careers of junior and mid-career women working in the energy transition. In particular, the programme aims to:

  • Empower women working in sustainable energy, increase women’s representation at managerial and decision-making levels, and ultimately advance the pace of the energy transition,
  • Foster social change, facilitate novel ideas and encourage networking, and
  • Support participants to develop concrete career goals which they can strategically work towards.


The programme, which is now accepting applications, is also looking for senior professionals working in the energy sector to serve as mentors and support the personal and professional development of participants.

The application criteria for participants are as follows:

  • Must be a national from one of the following countries: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and the Dominican Republic
  • Must be a woman working in sustainable energy
  • Must work in a junior or middle management position (5 – 10 years of relevant work experience)


Furthermore, the mentoring programmes are designed around the following key programme parameters:

  • 12-month programme duration
  • Comprehensive knowledge-transfer components through webinars
  • Networking and peer-to-peer exchange


If you fulfil all the application criteria and are interested in applying as a participant, please fill in this application form. If you are interested in volunteering as a mentor (which involves approx. 1 – 1.5 hours of engagement per month), kindly fill-in the Mentor Datasheet. The mentee-mentor pairing process will be based on how closely the goals of the mentee match the skills and experience of the mentor.

Kindly note that the programme will be carried out in English and professional working proficiency is required.

The deadline for applications has been extended to Sunday 30th May 2021

Please email questions to info@globalwomennet.org.

  1. Norma Floridalma Catú Julián 4 years ago

    Me interesa contar con mas información, soy dirigente de dos organizaciones en guatemala, y la formación siempre me ha parecido muy importante, soy de Profesión Perito Contador. Estudiante del Cuarto Semestre de la Carrera de Abogacía y Notariado, deseo saber como puedo acceder y si algunas personas más también pueden, que tenemos que hacer.


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