We are thrilled to unveil the first edition of our mentorship programme, designed to champion women energy professionals from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. This initiative is spearheaded by the Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET) and the SADC Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE), with financial support from the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), the operational arm of Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC).

This 12-month programme aims to empower women in junior to mid-level management roles, equipping them with the tools, knowledge, and networks needed to advance their professional growth. Through mentoring, networking opportunities, and skill-building, the programme fosters leadership potential and enhances participants’ contributions to the energy sector.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Applicants must identify as women and have nationality of a SADC member country.
  • They should possess 3–5 years of relevant professional experience.
  • Proficiency in English, which is the programme’s working language.
  • Participants should be able to commit approximately 3-4 hours per month to the programme.

How to Apply:
If you meet the criteria and are passionate about accelerating your career in the energy sector, please fill in the application form.

Supporting as a Mentor:
The programme is also looking for senior professionals working in the energy sector to serve as mentors and support the personal and professional development of participants. If you are interested in volunteering as a mentor (which involves approx. 1 – 1.5 hours of engagement per month), kindly fill-in the Mentor Datasheet. The mentee-mentor pairing process will be based on how closely the goals of the mentee match the skills and experience of the mentor.

Kindly note that the programme will be carried out in English and professional working proficiency is required.

The deadline for applications is January 24th 2025 11:59 pm CAT.

Please email questions to info@globalwomennet.org. For more information about GWNET’s mentorship initiatives, visit GWNET Mentorship Programmes.

1 Comment
  1. Faith sakala 2 months ago


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