Date: March 29th, 2023
Location: Berlin, Germany
Event: Women’s Lunch – Women for the Energy Transition
Description: The “Women’s Lunch” side event was organised as part of the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue, giving women energy experts a platform to exchange their experiences and strengthen their network.
The event attended by the GWNET Team featured keynote remarks from Birgit Schwenk, Director General for Climate Action, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and Dr Anna Lührmann, Minister of State for Europe and Climate at the Federal Foreign Office. Thereafter, there was a networking exchange moderated by Kristina Haverkamp, Managing Director, Germany Energy Agency (dena).

Date: March 30th, 2023
Location: Berlin, Germany
Event: WOMEN ENERGIZE WOMEN – Women Empowerment in Global Energy Cooperation
Description: The Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue (BETD) side event “Women Empowerment in Global Energy Cooperation” sought to “bring together representatives from different countries and areas of expertise to shed light on the different approaches for women empowerment and gender mainstreaming and to identify common solutions, possible synergies and further needed action.”
The side event was implemented on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE) in collaboration with GWNET, taking place within the scope of the global project Bilateral Energy Partnerships and Dialogues.
Some of the questions discussed during the event included:
- “What policies and actions exist to advance gender equality in the energy sector?
- What opportunities for cooperation between countries and professions exist in the field?
- How could the policies complement each other?
- What is the state of gender equality in the energy sector currently?
- What is the main driver for gender equality in the field?”
Additionally, the speakers during this event included:
- Ellen von Zitzewitz – Deputy Head Division North Africa, the Near and Middle East Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) – moderator
- Dr. Franziska Brantner – Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
- Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven – Managing Director, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Dr. Simone Peter – President, German Renewable Energy Federation BEE e.V.
- Dr. Franziska Brantner – Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
- Shorouq Abdel Ghani – Director, Planning and Institutional Development Directorate, Ministry of Energy Mineral Resources, Jordan
- Christine Lins – Executive Director, Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET)
- Maryna Ilchuk – Co-Founder, Women’s Energy Club of Ukraine (WECU)
- Aneri Pradhan – New Energy Nexus

Date: March 30th, 2023
Location: Berlin, Germany
Event: Networking workshop of women in energy networks
Description: GWNET organised a physical workshop for women in energy networks after successful iterations in 2019, 2021, and 2022. The workshop allowed for the exchange of experiences, successes, and challenges and facilitated the brainstorming of strategies to empower women as agents of change in the global energy transition.
This workshop was organised as part of the project “Energising women to advance the energy transition” which GWNET carries out in cooperation with GIZ and on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).
Organisations from 18 countries were present in person and online, the countries represented were: Türkiye, Chile, South Africa, Norway, Mexico, Brazil, Nigeria, Rwanda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, Germany, Jordan, Vietnam, Tunisia, Israel, United Kingdom and India.
In this workshop, each regional network presented its achievements in the last year. This was followed by a vibrant discussion on topics on which the networks could work together. The next steps of this cooperation include organising periodic webinars to enable more peer-to-peer interaction and learning among the organisations.
Read more about GWNET’s participation at the 2023 BETD.