Title and organiser logos overlayed on picture of two women at a solar site

The Secretariat of the Energy Storage Partnership, hosted by the World Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) and the Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET) are excited to announce the mentors of the “Women in Energy Storage” mentoring program.

Each of these mentors is a senior professional committed to making a difference and having a positive impact on a younger woman’s career in the energy storage sector. We are proud to have them as part of this program.

The selected mentors for this year’s program include:

  • Ammu Susanna Jacob, Research Scientist at Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy, India
  • Andreas Hauer, Chairman of the Board/Vorstandsvorsitzender Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research at ZAE Bayern, Germany
  • Catherine Nyambala, Business Process Improvement Manager at KenGen Kenya, Kenya
  • Chong Suk Song, Energy Specialist at the World Bank, South Korea
  • Cristina Madrid-Lopez, Junior Group Leader at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
  • Debi Prasad Dash, Executive Director at India Energy Storage Alliance, India
  • Debmalya Sen, Manager – Business Consulting at KPMG India, India
  • Eva Gardow, Technical Executive at Electric Power Research Institute, USA
  • Gazinga Abdullah, Founder at Solar Autonomous Chiller Project, Iraq
  • Frederick Verdol, Senior Power Engineer at the World Bank, France
  • Juliana Kainga, Senior Business Development Manager at Enel Green Power, Kenya
  • Leen Govaerts, Unit Manager Smart Energy & Built Environment at VITO, Belgium
  • Mani Khurana, Senior Energy Specialist at The World Bank, India
  • Modini Yantrapati, Senior Energy Storage Consultant APAC at DNV, India
  • Nan Zhao, Senior Lecturer at Lancaster University, China
  • Sandra Chavez, Manager, Partnerships at Breakthrough Energy, Mexico
  • Sarah Ouziaux, Segment Manager – Regulated, Institutional & Multilateral Organizations at ENGIE Impact, France
  • Shivali Pai, Technical Manager, ESG/Sustainability at Conrad Energy, UK
  • Valeria Palomba, Researcher at CNR-ITAE, Italy
  • Yu Tack Kim, General Manager at K-BIA 한국전지산업협회, South Korea

Become a Mentor – What’s in it for You?

As a mentor, you get the opportunity to give something valuable back to more junior professionals and to expand your own knowledge through the mentees’ perspective.

Mentoring will contribute to personal and professional development for both you and your mentee, as well as, shaping the direction of future generations within your field of expertise. If you are interested in volunteering as a mentor in one of GWNET’s mentoring programmes (which involves approx. 1 – 1.5 hours of engagement per month plus optional participation in knowledge-transfer webinars), kindly fill in our Mentor Datasheet.

Stay tuned for updates on the participants and the programme.

  1. TOLULOPE ERINOSHO 2 years ago

    Hello everyone,
    I am stoked to join this community of intellectuals in energy and power solution. I have over 10 years industrial experience in high voltage transmission line and substation construction and recently transited into clean energy solutions with current focus in radio frequency energy generation.
    I enrolled for a PhD in 2017 in this field and have published some articles in this area of interest especially in the harvest and use mode. I want to move further in the sustainability aspect of this technology, which store, and use-later mode of harvesting is currently being considered. However, for about two years now, I have not really made expected progress due to non-availability of mentors in this field. It will be a dream come true if I can get a mentor on this platform or a referral for more collaboration. I am currently lecturing in a Federal University in Nigeria and providing extension services for some private companies as

    • Author
      GWNET Secretariat 2 years ago

      Dear Tolulope,

      Thank you for getting in touch. We would be very happy to have you as part of this program.

      This current cohort has already started, but applications should open again mid to end of next year. We encourage you to subscribe to our newsletter as we will have other mentoring programmes before then, which may be of interest to you.

      GWNET Team

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