This case study highlights the various ways in which LaGeo—a geothermal energy utility in El Salvador—developed strategies throughout its corporate mission and operations to adhere to national laws on gender equality and national development goals, resulting in environmental, social, and women’s empowerment outcomes, as well as positive impacts on business outcomes.

This case study shows how utilities can increase gender equality and promote women’s empowerment through institutional policies, examining management structures, and utilizing corporate social responsibility (CSR). It also highlights how LaGeo used CSR initiatives across numerous impact areas, such as livelihood activities, reforestation and mitigation efforts, social infrastructure development, conservation work, education, and health initiatives to demonstrate the benefits of geothermal energy in delivering environmental sustainability and employment. In turn, these efforts build strong community relations to help mitigate and prevent vandalism. The case provides recommendations and selected resources for further reading that other companies, across sectors, might consider.

Download the brochure here: Gender-Responsive Geothermal Generation


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