The Global Agenda for Accelerated SDG 7 Action is presented as a foundation for concerted action by all stakeholders in support of achieving SDG 7. It presents a set of priority actions to be taken by stakeholders to accelerate the achievement of SDG 7, based on the analysis in the SDG 7 Policy Briefs developed by the multi-stakeholder SDG 7 Technical Advisory Group convened by UN DESA, as well as experiences from existing actions to date, and recognizing the special challenges facing the countries that are the most vulnerable and the furthest behind. It also aims to better link SDG 7 actions and results with the existing intergovernmental processes at the UN related to the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement. By bringing all stakeholders together, it is also intended to increase coordination, reduce duplications and enhance synergies.


Download the resource here: Accelerating SDG7 Achivements


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