GWNET leads the development of several regional and global women mentoring programmes, with the goal of advancing the role of women as agents of change in society and promoting best practices within the sustainable energy sector.
In this regard, GWNET has led or is leading the following mentorship programmes (click on each heading below to learn more). Additionally, you can find a list of all GWNET Mentoring Programme participants here and mentors here.
GWNET Mentoring Programme 1/2018 – this programme ran from April 2018 to March 2019, with a cohort of 10 women mentees, and a participant group ranging from Africa, Asia and Europe to the Middle East, North and Latin America.
GWNET Mentoring Programme 2/2019 – this 12-month programme began in March 2019 with over 20 mentees from around the world. Besides the bilateral mentor-mentee relationship, the programme offered a series of knowledge-transfer webinars.
GWNET Mentoring Programme 3/2020 – this 12-month programme is designed to accelerate the careers of women in junior/middle management positions in energy, support their pathway to leadership positions and foster a global network of mentorship, knowledge-sharing and empowerment. The programme is made of up of 26 mentees from 20+ countries.
The Women in Wind Global Leadership Program – this 9-month program ran between May 2019 and January 2020, with a cohort of 8 mentees from around the world. It was designed to accelerate the careers of women in the wind industry, support their pathway to leadership positions and foster a global network of mentorship, knowledge-sharing and empowerment. The program was jointly organised with the Global Wind Energy Council.
The Women in Wind Global Leadership Program 2020 – the second cohort of the 10-month program was held between April 2020 and January 2021, with 15 participants from over 13 countries and 5 continents. It was designed to accelerate the careers of women in the wind industry, support their pathway to leadership positions and foster a global network of mentorship, knowledge-sharing and empowerment. This program was jointly organised with the Global Wind Energy Council.
The Women in Wind Global Leadership Program 2021 – This program is designed to accelerate the careers of women in the wind industry, support their pathway to leadership positions and foster a global network of mentorship, knowledge-sharing and empowerment. This program is jointly organised with the Global Wind Energy Council.
The Women in Wind Global Leadership Program 2022 – This program is designed to accelerate the careers of women in the wind industry, support their pathway to leadership positions and foster a global network of mentorship, knowledge-sharing and empowerment. This program is jointly organised with the Global Wind Energy Council.
The Women in Wind Global Leadership Program 2023 – This program is designed to accelerate the careers of women in the wind industry, support their pathway to leadership positions and foster a global network of mentorship, knowledge-sharing and empowerment. This program is jointly organised with the Global Wind Energy Council.
The Women in Wind Global Leadership Program 2024 – This program is designed to accelerate the careers of women in the wind industry, support their pathway to leadership positions and foster a global network of mentorship, knowledge-sharing and empowerment. This program is jointly organised with the Global Wind Energy Council.
Regional Mentoring Programmes for Latin American Countries (LAC) as well as the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) – this programme ran between November 2019 and September 2020 with a cohort of 45 women and was designed to accelerate the careers of women in junior/middle management positions in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sector. This programme was organised in partnership with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).
People-Centered Accelerator Mentoring Programme for Women in Energy Access – this mentoring programme ran between January 2020 and September 2020 with a cohort of 15 women and was focused on women working in the area of energy access, as part of the People-Centered Accelerator, organised in partnership with Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL). This programme focused on Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda and Zambia, and was designed to accelerate the careers of women in junior/middle management positions in energy access from all actors of the value chain (e.g. start-ups, utilities etc).
Women in Energy Storage Mentoring Programme of the Energy Storage Partnership (ESP) – this mentoring programme organised in partnership with the Secretariat of the Energy Storage Partnership, hosted by ESMAP, is designed to accelerate the careers of women in junior/middle management positions in the energy storage field, support their pathway to leadership positions and foster a global network of mentorship, knowledge-sharing and empowerment.
2022 Women in Energy Storage Mentoring Program – this mentoring program organised in partnership with the Secretariat of the Energy Storage Partnership, hosted by the World Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), is designed to accelerate the careers of women in junior/middle management positions in the energy storage field, support their pathway to leadership positions and foster a global network of mentorship, knowledge-sharing and empowerment.
2024 Women in Energy Storage Mentoring Program – this mentoring program organised in partnership with the Secretariat of the Energy Storage Partnership, hosted by the World Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), is designed to accelerate the careers of women in junior/middle management positions in the energy storage field, support their pathway to leadership positions and foster a global network of mentorship, knowledge-sharing and empowerment.
Women in Clean Cooking Mentorship Program – this mentorship program organised in partnership with the Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) and Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL), aims to advance the role of women as agents of change in the clean cooking sector.
2022 Women in Clean Cooking Mentorship Program – the second cohort of this mentorship program organised in partnership with the Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) and Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL), aims to advance the role of women as agents of change in the clean cooking sector.
2023 Women in Clean Cooking Mentorship Program – the third cohort of this mentorship program organised in partnership with the Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) and Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL), aims to advance the role of women as agents of change in the clean cooking sector.
2025 Women in Clean Cooking Mentorship Program – the fourth cohort of this mentorship program organised in partnership with the Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) and Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL), aims to advance the role of women as agents of change in the clean cooking sector.
Energising Women to Advance the Energy Transition – this mentorship programme organised in partnership with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), aims to advance the careers of mid-career women working in the energy transition across select countries under the German bilateral energy partnerships.
Energising Women to Advance the Energy Transition – this mentorship programme organised in cooperation with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and supporting partners adelphi and Guidehouse on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), aims to advance the careers of mid-career women working in the energy transition across select countries under Germany’s energy partnerships and energy dialogues.
Women in the SICA Energy Transition – this mentorship programme organised in partnership with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), aims to advance the careers of junior and mid-career women working in the energy transition, through mentorship, networking, and knowledge-transfer. The programme is focused on countries in the Central American Integration System (SICA) region.
Women in Energy Empowerment – this mentoring programme organised on behalf of the German Energy Agency (dena) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), under the German bilateral energy partnerships, is focused on women energy professionals in Russia, Turkey, and Ukraine.
2023 Women in Energy Empowerment – this mentoring programme organised on behalf of the German Energy Agency (dena) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), under the German bilateral energy partnerships, is focused on women energy professionals in Israel, Türkiye, and Ukraine.
Women in Renewable Energy in Africa (W-REA) Mentoring Program – this mentoring program organised in partnership with IFC’s Women in Renewable Energy in Africa Network (W-REA) and Energy2Equal, is focused on women professionals working in renewable energy in sub-Saharan Africa.
Women in Renewable Energy in Africa (W-REA) 2023 Mentoring Program – the second cohort of this mentoring program organised in partnership with IFC’s Women in Renewable Energy in Africa Network (W-REA) and Energy2Equal, is focused on women professionals working in renewable energy in sub-Saharan Africa.
Empowering Central Asian Women in Renewable Energy Mentoring Programme – this mentoring program organised in partnership with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), is focused on women professionals working in energy in Central Asia.
Empowering Central Asian Women in Renewable Energy Mentoring Programme 2024 – this mentoring program organised in partnership with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), is focused on women professionals working in energy in Central Asia.
Women in Power System Transformation Mentorship Program – this mentorship program, organized with the Women in Power System Transformation Initiative, creates a platform to enhance women’s participation and leadership in the transformation and decarbonization of power systems around the world.
Women in Power System Transformation Mentorship Program – this mentorship program, organized with the Women in Power System Transformation Initiative, creates a platform to enhance women’s participation and leadership in the transformation and decarbonization of power systems around the world.
Energising Women to Advance the Energy Transition in the SADC Region – this project is supported by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) for Energising Women to Advance the Energy Transition in the SADC Region, and implemented in partnership between GWNET and the SADC Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE). This initiative aims to strives to foster women’s economic empowerment and strengthen their influence in the SADC region’s energy transition.
Why Mentorship?
One of the factors contributing to low recruitment and retention rates in STEM careers for women is the lack of appropriate women role models and mentors resulting in alienation from these disciplines, according to the World Economic Forum. Both men and women need mentoring, a factor associated with a higher likelihood of promotion.
Women can benefit from the insight into negotiating the internal politics of an organisation, and a woman mentor is particularly beneficial. (Women for Sustainable Energy – Strategies to Foster Women’s Talent for Transformational Change, GWNET, 2020).

Benefits of Mentorship
For Mentees
- Gaining experience from seasoned professionals
- Enhancing strengths, overcoming weaknesses
- Concrete goals & career-enhancing activities
- Personal development: potentials, competencies, values
- Innovative ideas & strategic thinking
For Mentors
- Insights into other fields and younger generation issues
- Conscious reflection about one’s own career
- Facilitating growth of young talents
- Encouraging women in the workforce
- Knowledge transfer and reputation as a mentor
Our Impact

500+ Mentors

5 Publications

90+ Countries Reached

An active online storytelling campaign
Become a Mentor
GWNET is looking for senior professionals who are eager to make a difference and have a positive impact on a younger woman’s career in the energy sector. With the ever-changing dynamics of the business fields, digitalisation, knowledge and knowledge sharing has become more important than ever.
As a mentor, you get the opportunity to give something valuable back to more junior professionals and to expand your own knowledge through the mentees’ perspective. Mentoring will contribute to personal and professional development for both you and your mentee, as well as, shaping the direction of future generations within your field of expertise. If you are interested in volunteering as a mentor in one of GWNET’s mentoring programmes (which involves approx. 1 – 1.5 hours of engagement per month plus optional participation in knowledge-transfer webinars), kindly fill in our Mentor Datasheet.