Date: November 15th, 2022 (13:30 – 16:30 Beijing time)
Location: Online
Description: The Workshop on Gender-just Green Transition was held by GIZ, UN Women, and UNDP, to
- examine solutions and measures for integrating gender-just perspective in the political, social, and economic development, and
- to support women’s equal participation, promotion and leadership in green industries and enterprises.
As part of this workshop, GWNET Senior Advisor, Irene Giner-Reichl, gave a keynote speech on “Opportunities, Challenges and Best Practices for Women in the Green Transition” setting the scene for dynamic discussions on how full-inclusion and gender mainstreaming can be supported within the green transition, in order to achieve the ambitions set for this sector.
In attendance were representatives from governments, the private sector, financial institutions, industry, civil society, and bilateral and multilateral organizations.