Date: October 18th 2022
Location: Sacramento, USA
Description: The Clean Currents 2022 tradeshow and conference was held by the National Hydropower Association in Sacramento, California. The event focused on the advancement of conventional hydropower, pumped storage, small hydro, and marine energy as reliable and flexible sources of clean energy.
GWNET Founding Member, Barbara Fischer-Aupperle, took part in the conference, leading two workshops on “Advocating for the Best You!” and “Effective Mentoring: How to Maximize the Mentor/Mentee Relationship.” The workshops were led in partnership with Kelly Schaeffer, Principal Consultant, Kleinschmidt Associates and Women in Hydropower Mentorship Program Chair.
The first interactive workshop “Advocating for the Best You” addressed self-advocacy and negotiating, how to be heard in the room, and tried-and-true tips for presenting the best you in your career relationships.
The second workshop was held for mentors, mentees, and those implementing or thinking of implementing mentoring programs. The workshop provided insights and some systematics on what mentoring should – and should not – be, and how expectations of the parties involved can be revealed and aligned with each other. Furthermore, the workshop explored and discussed all aspects of mentoring, including best practices for a successful mentoring relationship.