A collaboration workshop was organised by the Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET) on 8th April 2019 at the Bundesverband Erneuerbare Energie e.V. (BEE) in Berlin, Germany, bringing together representatives of national and regional women in energy networks from all around the world.

This workshop brought together networks from Austria, Canada, Central America, Egypt, Germany, Mexico, Namibia, Norway, Pakistan, Russia, and Turkey, to advance cross-network information exchange while brainstorming on future joint activities.

This workshop highlighted the vital need for regular convenings and engagements between women’s networks, to advance collective objectives and share best practice.

Following this, GWNET is integrating a group function on it’s newly launched Women in Energy Expert Platform, to allow regional and national networks to engage amongst themselves (as well as with other groups), to ensure that the collaboration started at the workshop continues for years to come. Create your profile on the GWNET platform today and begin engaging with other women professionals; the first 500 profiles created will receive the premium membership for free.


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