Gender-balanced participation in the energy sector is critical to a successful and inclusive energy transition. Because energy and climate issues touch everyone, diverse representation is especially key in energy policy and regulation, where decisions taken can lead to wide-scale societal transformation.

Countless studies have found that gender balanced companies boost performance, effective decision making and bottom-lines. Despite the benefits, statistics show that women represent only 20% of the energy sector’s workforce at a world level. The ‘glass-ceiling’ seems quite hard to crack: women represent only 5% in executive boards of the 200 top energy companies.

An inclusive energy transition will not happen on its own. The process must be managed, and we must actively set goals and meet them collaboratively.

The Florence School of Regulation wishes to take steps towards meeting this goal by offering three scholarships to motivated early- or mid-career women to support their professional advancement with new or strengthened capabilities.

Learn more about the application here.


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